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Rental Property Credit Check

Rental Property Credit Check is a great thing for a landlord to run when a prospective tenant wants to rent a residence. When viewing a Rental Property Credit Check, you will be able to determine whether that tenant will pay their rent or whether they will be a deadbeat and rip you off.

Credit checks are not the only way to determine who to rent to, but they are definitely a start. Imagine running a Rental Property Credit Check on someone and seeing that they have collections out on them from Bloomingdales and Mobil gas. You don't want to take a risk on that, because if they are not responsible in paying those debts, then they probably wont pay their rent on time, either.

But their payment history is not the only valuable tool on the credit report. One of the most fundamental is helping you to verify their identity by checking the name and social security number against what comes back on the credit report. With identity fraud at epidemic levels these days, you can't be too careful about how you rent to. Many fraudsters skip from property to property, looking for a naive landlord that they fool into letting them in. And once they're in, you have to go through a long eviction process while they live in your property, rent free.

A Tenant Credit Check is the way to go for landlords that want to not only rent their property to good people, but good people that pay bills on time. Most of all it will give you peace of mind.

Run a Rental Property Credit Check now!