Which Type of Carpet Should A Landlord Use?


Can you provide advice regarding the type of carpet to use in an apartment unit? I need something durable that hides spills. Thanks.


When I managed rental units I usually used about the lowest priced carpet (maybe second up from bottom) I could get from a reputable company. I did this because there was no way to know when it might become damaged to the extent of again needing replacement whatever its price. For serious problems, the highest priced carpet doesn’t survive any better than the lowest.

I always preferred to use lower grade carpet and re-carpet a year or two earlier (lower grade carpeting doesn’t usually wear as long) because the cost per year of $15 per yard that lasts 6 years is the same as $20 per yard that lasts 8 years and having new carpet more often between tenants has at least two advantages. First, it is a selling point, usually with higher rent, to the new tenant coming into the new carpet. Second, there is no question as to the initial condition of that carpet for purposes of assessing damage when that tenant leaves. As to color, there are not usually as many choices for the lower priced carpet, so pick one that is closest in color to coffee and/or the dirt around the premises.

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