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Sample Credit Report

Prepared For:
John Jones
You Sequoia Properties
1701 North Hill Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705
Account #: 5823484
Date: 10/24/2001 05:03 pm
Information Source(s): Credit Agency,Criminal,Eviction
Search Information Provided
Name: Consumer, Jonathan   
Current Address: 123 South Street, Unit A, Irvine, CA 92651
Property applied to: Kittridge Testing, 14411 Kittridge Street, Van Nuys, CA 91405
Applicant SnapShot
Score: 561 (Tenant Screening Model)
Following reflects up to seven years of credit history:
Positive Accounts: 6 Negative Accounts: 3 (Jump To) Public Records: 3 (Jump To) Collections: 1 (Jump To)
Monthly count of negative and positive accounts in last two years:
Positive Accounts     Credit Report Graphic 2006 6 Credit Report Graphic 2005 6 6 7 7 5 6 7 8 6 6 6 6 Credit Report Graphic 2004 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Negative Accounts     Credit Report Graphic 2006 3 Credit Report Graphic 2005 3 3 2 2 4 3 4 1 3 3 3 3 Credit Report Graphic 2004 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Total Debt: $280,037     Total Monthly Payments: $4,984     Past Due Payments: $1,421      (Jump To)
Income: $6850     Approx After Tax Income[ ? ]: $5137.50     Money Left[ ? ]: $153.50  
Approximate After-Tax Income
Assumes a 25% tax bracket. Amount is calculated by taking the current income and multiplying by 0.75.
Begin Report Section: Credit Report
Consumer Credit Report
Current Address: BURBANK, CA 91502-9150 (06/95 - 01/98)    
Previous Address: SANTA ANA, CA 92708-9270 (02/95) Date of Birth: 12/3/1951
Previous Address: LOS ANGELES, CA 90017-9001 (09/93)    
Credit Score: 561 (Tenant Screening Model)
    Score Factors:
    Account(s) not paid as agreed and/or legal item filed
    Length of time (or unknown time) since account delinquent
    Number of accounts delinquent
    Proportion of balance to high credit on bank revolving or all revolving accounts
Summary of Accounts
Positive: 6 Negative: 3 Public Record: 3 Collection: 1
Credit Summary
No of Accounts Payment Record No of Accounts Payment Record
6 Pays or paid as agreed 1 Chapter 13 (Wage Earner Plan)
2 Pays or paid 30-60 days past due    
Trade Totals
  Limit High Balance Balance Past Due Payment Available
Installment Totals 1,000 0 265,380 1,421 4,549  
Revolving Totals 20,000 16,720 14,657 0 435 27%
Open Totals
Grand Totals 21,000 16,720 280,037 1,421 4,984  
Creditor Payment Records
Credit Report Graphic OK Paid as agreed Credit Report Graphic 30 Days 30 days overdue Credit Report Graphic 60 Days 60 days overdue Credit Report Graphic 90 Days 90 days overdue Credit Report Graphic 90 Days + 90+ days overdue
Credit Report Graphic W Wage Earner Plan (Ch. 13) Credit Report Graphic RP Repossession Credit Report Graphic Collection Collection/Charge Off/Bad Debt/Skip Credit Report Graphic No Rep No Update

Account Type Status
Credit Card
Credit Report Graphic 1997 Credit Report Graphic No Rep Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic 1996 Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK
Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May
Revolving Charge Account
Credit Report Graphic 1996 Credit Report Graphic W Credit Report Graphic 90 Days + Credit Report Graphic 90 Days + Credit Report Graphic 90 Days + Credit Report Graphic 90 Days Credit Report Graphic 1995 Credit Report Graphic 60 Days Credit Report Graphic 30 Days Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic 1994 Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK
May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun
Credit Card
Credit Report Graphic 1998 Credit Report Graphic No Rep Credit Report Graphic 1997 Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic 1996 Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK
Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Credit Card
Credit Report Graphic 1996 Credit Report Graphic No Rep Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic 1995 Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic 1994 Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK
Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul
Installment Sales Contract
Credit Report Graphic 1996 Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic 1995 Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK
Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Auto Loan
Credit Report Graphic 1996 Credit Report Graphic 30 Days Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic 1995 Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic 1994 Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK
Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul
Secured Loan
Credit Report Graphic 1996 Credit Report Graphic 30 Days Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic 30 Days Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic 1995 Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK
Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan
Real Estate Specific Type Unknown
Credit Report Graphic 1998 Credit Report Graphic No Rep Credit Report Graphic 1997 Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic 1996 Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK
Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb
Credit Card
Credit Report Graphic 1997 Credit Report Graphic No Rep Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic 1996 Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK Credit Report Graphic OK
Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan
Creditor Records (Revolving Accounts)
Account Type Opened Balance Limit High Bal Past Due Payment Rating/Status
Credit Card 05/96 0 7,000 5,700   Curr Acct/Closed
  Comment: Account closed at consumers request.
Revolving Charge Account 01/68 0 1,400   Making regular WEP payments
  Comment: Account previously in dispute - now resolved - reported by subscriber.
Credit Card 02/85 6,029 10,000 7,108 180 Curr Acct
Credit Card 01/90 8,628 10,000 9,612 255 Curr Acct
Creditor Records (Installment Accounts)
Account Type Opened Balance Limit High Bal Past Due Payment Rating/Status
Installment Sales Contract 02/95 1,000 1,000 Pays as agreed
Auto Loan 12/93 11,050 465 465 <= 2 payments past due
Secured Loan 03/93 19,330 956 956 <= 2 payments past due
Real Estate Specific Type Unknown 05/90 234,000 3,128 Curr Acct
Creditor Records (Open Accounts)
Account Type Opened Balance Limit High Bal Past Due Payment Rating/Status
Credit Card 03/95 0 4,000 3,612   Curr Acct/Closed
Collection Items
Assigned Last Act Name Orig Bal Curr Bal Status
09/94   DR. JOHN KILDARE 500 250 Coll Acct
  Comment: Account information disputed by customer.
Public Records/UD/Skip
Bankruptcy Filed: 02/93 Court: U S BANKRUPTCY COURT
Liability: $100,000 Case Num: 35054539906234561
Assets: $100,000 Comments: "Bankruptcy Chapter13- petition filed."
How Filed: Joint    
Legal Item Filed: 07/95 Court: SO CALIF DISTRICT COURT
Amount: $12,450 Case Num: 45078321
Legal Item Filed: 09/93 Court: COUNTY SPR CT SANTA ANA
Amount: $1,200 Case Num: 7505853
Plaintiff: ALLIED COMPANY    
Name Date
HEMLOCKS 12/05/98
BAY COMPANY 12/03/98
Begin Report Section (Criminal Check)
Criminal Check
Offender:JONATHAN CONSUMER  DOB: 12/3/1951 Database: CACON
Date: 11/06/1990   Offense: Breaking and Entering Statute: 487.HA  
Sex Offender Search
No Records Found
Begin Report Section (Eviction Report)
Eviction Scan: Exact Name Matches (check carefully)
  Note: Exact matches are displayed in blue
Identification Date Address Details
Prop/Owner: MICHEL ROY
Judgement: 1800

End of Report.