I’m considering hiring an apartment security service for my rental properties. What are some of the benefits?

Apartment security services can protect a rental property through a variety of active security measures. What measures should be taken as part of a security strategy should be customized to a particular rental community. Active security tactics such as having an on-site physical presence helps deter and prevent crime. With visible security measures in place, tenants feel more safe and secure living at the property. The security measures can be considered a tenant amenity that adds value to the rental property. Potential tenants are attracted to well maintained, safe, secure properties and current tenants being protected by security measures are more likely to renew their leases.

Security needs vary by apartment community size, location, layout and other factors such as the neighborhood, crime rate in the area, likelihood of incidents, and the contract term. Security measures can include active measures such as highly visible lighting, gating, and controlled entry/exit points, pro-active measures such as vehicle patrols or standing guards, or reactive safety measures such as security cameras.

It would be a best practice to request a quote and consultation with several security services providers to evaluate their recommendations and pricing structure for proposed security measures. While price is important to a landlord’s business operations, price should not be the deciding factor at the cost of lesser security services that fail to fully protect the rental community.

Duties and responsibilities of on-site security officers may include:

  • Protecting rental property 24/7
  • Responding to emergencies
  • Enforcing rental policies rules
  • Controlling access to buildings
  • Monitoring alarms and surveillance systems
  • Patrolling areas and performing security checks and lock-ups
  • Preventing vandalism, theft, or other crimes
  • Preventing trespassing and loitering
  • Greeting visitors at check-in and check-out
  • Parking regulations enforcement

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