Online Tenant Screening & Background Check
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Screen Tenants Credit whenever a prospective tenant applies for one of your rental properties. A credit report can give you much insight into the paying habits of said tenant. If you were looking at a credit report of a person and saw that they pay their credit cards late, or even sometimes not at all, would you rent to them? Neither would I.
The credit report is your first line of defense of finding a good tenant that will pay their bills on time and not give you hassles. The credit report at YouCheckCredit is particularly easy to read compared to traditional "wall of text" type credit reports that you may have seen before. The payment history is clearly laid out with color-coded symbols that tell you exactly what has gone on with your applicant in the past. Each credit card has its own section, giving you a month-by-month view. And above everything is a nice summary section that gives you an overview of their payment habits.
Landlords make it a habit to Screen Tenants Credit on top of running a criminal background and previous address report to minimize their loss of profits. Bum tenants are out there, but you can help protect yourself when you screen tenants credit.
A simple credit report can be very inexpensive and such a great insurance policy, so order a Tenant Credit Report often to make sure they are paying their bills.